What is Employers Liability?
What is Employers Liability?
It is migrating the risk to safeguards businesses against legal and compensation expenses from employee claims. Should one of your employees fall ill due to a disease or sustain an injury in the context of their work, you could be held liable.
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Get total peace-of-mind with Expat Medical Insurance which includes global support from the world’s best insurers.
How much cover should an employer have?
To estimate how much you need is difficult to say but consider this, “How much could the most serious claim be?” then use that as a benchmark to establish the sum insured required. In terms of our legislation the employee first needs to institute a claim against the COID Act before instituting a claim against the employer. That said, more and more cases are being won by employees, who turned to the Law Courts for compensation beyond the aforesaid pay-out.
How much cover should an employer have?
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Have full control of your insurance, start insuring on your command whether it is for your vehicle or plant.
What is important to note about Employers Liability?
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21 Somerset Crescent
Cape Town
South Africa
Reg No. 9512577/07
(FSCA) License No. 2635
Situated in Cape Town, Stay Sure Insurance Brokers provides a wide range of customised insurance solutions to private and commercial clients nationally and throughout Africa.
We subscribe to the office of the Ombudsman for Short-Term Insurance, and are subject to the jurisdiction of the FAIS Ombud.
Stay Sure Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd (Reg No. 9512577/07) | Authorised Financial Services Provider | Member of the Financial Intermediaries Association (FIA) | Member of United Global Brokers | Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) License No. 2635
+27 (0)861 086 000
+27 (0)21 975 1100